Sermon: Savoring Peace

Jesus shows a different side of himself in Mark 9:42-50, talking about judgement and describing hell. His “fire and brimstone” words here often drive people away from the church. But why is Jesus so angry?

Prior to these events, Jesus talks about children being the most pure of heart, and the most holy. And anyone who gets in between a child and God will suffer the most dire consequences.

Even in this day, we see people using God to manipulate and abuse children. We see children suffering from war, genocide and persecution. And Jesus’ words of judgement are necessary for those suffering persecution.

But what can we do? One, we need to pray for those suffering. Two, we need to reach out to those who are suffering, and give them the connection they need to find peace and the true love of God.

“Savoring Peace”
Sermon by The Rev. Joe Gunby
Mark 9:42-50
Aug. 26, 2018

Click here to listen to The Word in Song, “If God Be For Us.”