Children & Youth Education
The spiritual formation of a child is nurtured through a partnership between families and the church. Programs are organized by age with developmentally appropriate learning, fellowship and fun.
Sunday School
Children and youth are invited to participate each week in Sunday School – our Christian education program designed to introduce children to Jesus and God’s love, to study God’s word, and to help students understand how God wants us to live our lives. Classes begin at 9:30 a.m.
Youth Group
Youth in grades 6 through 12 meet most Sunday evenings to eat, play games and practice their faith in action. Once a month, the group goes out for an adventure or to serve our neighbors.
Children in worship
Children serve as acolytes, share music, and spend a moment with the pastor each week. Children are an important part of the worship service.
Special events
The church holds Vacation Bible School, special holiday gatherings around Christmas and Easter, and other special events to encourage kids' spiritual development and create memories to last into adulthood.
A paid staff of professional childcare providers cares for children ages infant to 5 years old in the nursery. This service is available for all church services and many small-group and ministry meetings on request.