Adult Education & Spiritual Formation

Sunday school

Open Table
Every Sunday, 9:45 a.m. • Conference Room
Led by participants
Drop in to explore lectionary readings, faith journeys and living out the Gospel through social justice work, prayer and meditation, and community.
Every Sunday. Drop-ins welcome. Meet in downstairs conference room.

S.A.L.T. (Sharing and Learning Together)
Every Sunday, 9:45 a.m. • 717 Oconee St. with online option
Led by participants
Drop in for reading, commentary and discussion of a chapter of scripture to help discern the meaning, value and application of the reading for our everyday thinking and action. Everyone welcome!  Every Sunday.

Young Adult Bible Study

This group of college-age people meet for Bible study, food, discussion and to do ministry in the community. The group (undergrads, grad students and recent grads) meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday.Studies are often from video or live discussion, requiring little reading ahead of time.

The Haven

This small group meets off campus on the second Wednesday of each month, typically from 7-9 p.m.

Midday Renewal Group

This small group meets at 11:45 p.m. at the church the second Thursday of each month.

Spiritual Formation small group

The concept is simple. For each meeting, each individual picks a spiritual formation exercise (prayer, service, study, etc) and practices it until the next session. Then the group gets together, talks about the experience practicing, and sets a course for the next time. 

For more information about adult study offerings, or to suggest a future offering, email the church at

Click to learn more about our College-Age and Children/Youth offerings.